Retlif is a React library for SVG filters.

It’s small & powerful for

simple reusable filters like <Blur>this</Blur> this,

or complex filters like <Pixelate>this</Pixelate> this.

Filters are composable:




☞  Hello!

Filters can be applied to any elements:





Filters are defined as JavaScript functions:

import retlif, { displace*, turbulence* } from 'retlif'

const effect1 = turbulence({ baseFrequency: 0.01, numOctaves: 2, seed: 1, stitchTiles: 'stitch' })

const effect2 = displace({ scale: 30 })

const MyFilter = retlif()(effect2('SourceGraphic', effect1))



const Sharpen = retlif()( convolve({ kernelMatrix: '0 -1 0 -1 5 -1 0 -1 0' }) )

const Negative = retlif()( color({ type: 'luminanceToAlpha' }) )

const Relif = retlif()( convolve({ kernelMatrix: '-9 -2 0 -2 1 2 0 2 9' })( color({ type: 'luminanceToAlpha' }) ) )

const Pixelate = retlif()( morph({ operator: 'dilate', radius: 2 })( composite({ operator: 'in', x: 0, y: 0 })( 'SourceGraphic', tile()( composite({ width: 4, height: 4, operator: 'out', })(flood({ height: 1, width: 1 })) ) ) ) )

const Twist = retlif()( displace({ scale: 20, })( 'SourceGraphic', turbulence({ baseFrequency: 0.01, numOctaves: 2, seed: 1, stitchTiles: 'stitch', }) ) )

const Turbulence = retlif()( displace({ scale: 10, })( 'SourceGraphic', turbulence({ baseFrequency: 0.1, numOctaves: 10, seed: 1, stitchTiles: 'stitch', }) ) )

Feel free to contribute more examples.

Retlif is made for fun. Not recommended for production use due to capability and performance issues.

Install it via yarn add retlif.

GitHub Shu Ding